White Papers

WHITE PAPERS Solving the Value Gap Solutions for the Internet Neutrality Argument Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Definitions Fundamentals of Copyright Licensing Distribution Readiness Depoying an OTT Network VidaPrimo OTT Networks HypeBot POV

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IP Rights Management means efficiently and effectively transacting rights, managing and fulfilling media to the consumer on any device, any network, anywhere in the world, cutting through the white noise of too much choice, and identifying, tracking, and monetizing consumer engagement. GDMG and its business units are working everyday to address these challenges to maximize […]

About GoDigital (part 2)

ABOUT GODIGITAL MEDIA GROUP Transforming and Restoring The Media Business The media industry is under duress as the result of the digital paradigm shift. Peterson sees four primary problems in the media industry: the Sales Problem, the Distribution Problem, the Marketing Problem, and the Engagement Problem. This translates to efficiently and effectively transacting rights, managing […]

About GoDigital (part 1)

GoDigital Media Group Years ago, before iTunes, Netflix streaming, and YouTube, GoDigital Media Group founder, and Chief Executive Jason Peterson presupposed a world where consumers would jettison their cds and dvds in favor of digital entertainment. He decided to do something about it, founding GoDigital Media Group (GDMG) in 2006. Since then, GDMG has founded […]

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“GoDigital Media Group is Transforming How Music, Networks and Brands Manage and Monetize their Intellectual Property Rights”